Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Colored Light memory verse game

We came up with a fun way to work on our
memory verse for December Party Club 2014.

I printed out light bulb shapes, 
colored the tops and wrote one word 
of the verse on each bulb in white crayon.
I taped them to a foam core poster board and 
painted a wire running through and a cord.

I have bowls with a small amount of watered 
down craft paint and a piece of sponge in each.

The idea is to have kids rub the paint 
onto the bulb
 to 'magically' uncover a word from our verse.
Then we will recite the verse together. 

I will post a follow-up photo of the painted bulbs.

Here are the printable bulbs:

It was a hit!!

Only problem I had was,
there are only 14 'bulbs' and about 
30 kids that wanted to help 'turn on the lights! 

club photo by Julianna Dunning

We sang:

'and they shall call his name Emmanuel x3
which means God with us!',
to the tune of 'Happy Birthday'.

 So everyone picked up the verse easily.

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, 
and shall bring forth a son, 
and and they shall call his name Emmanuel, 
which being interpreted,  God with us.
 ~Matthew 1:23

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